We train and support individuals and organizations to become trauma-informed, resilience oriented and restorative justice-focused.
Peacebuilding Partners
Sonja Fernandez-Quiñones"Tapping into trauma, learning about the cycles of violence, and applying the strategies to break free were all relevant not only to her work with sexual assault survivors but also to her personal life. She learned her reactions are normal and that there is a 'possibility of a life past trauma'. STAR gave her hope for herself and for other people—for communal and transgenerational healing."
Tabitha Montgomery"Resilience, trauma healing, and restorative justice develop deeper muscles and skills to be in relationship with one another in ways that don’t rush. 'It’s not a binary track,' Tabitha says, 'but the idea of creating an ecosystem of people and tools and systems. It’s not just investing in one system, but investing in the larger vision.' This vision builds community at the speed of trust. This is Peacebuilding."
Carolyn Yoder"Right now, we are living in a time of collective trauma. There is not a single person who isn’t affected by what is happening with COVID-19 and racialized trauma, which means we have all the more reason to use a community-oriented approach. It is more important than ever to have restorative justice-focused strategies to address trauma and transform conflict."