Our October 2018 STAR grads hail from California, Indiana, Wisconsin, South Dakota, South Sudan, and Canada as well as Minnesota. We are especially grateful to the Resilience in Communities After Stress & Trauma (ReCAST) Minneapolis for providing funding for 11 of our October STAR graduates.
In 2019, we will again be sponsoring six STAR-Lite trainings in Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington Counties, with funding from The Saint Paul Foundation and the F. R. Bigelow Foundation. If you know organizations and community groups from these counties who serve marginalized communities, please introduce them to us as potential East Metro Community Partners at [email protected]. Our Peacebuilding graduates are the energized, empowered critical yeast to make Minnesota the Peacebuilding Power State for All!
Most people would agree there is no shortage of need for Peacebuilding in our lives and communities. All of us can do Peacebuilding within our spheres of influence. Not sure how? Come join us. Together, we are transforming our communities peace by peace.